Page titles H1-H6
Webnode's templates are programmed so that page titles, bylines, subject lines and main text are automatically divided into H1-H3 page titles by encoding. These are called headtags and can be recognized in the code by <h1>, etc.
This H1-H6 programming is automatically scanned and recognized by search engines. The most important main tag for all search engines is the H1 tag, which corresponds to the main title.
There are no additional settings for sections for site referencing with the Webnode editor . This saves time when creating the website and SEO is even easier!
Exemples dans l'éditeur
Les modèles de Webnode contiennent les balises H1-H3 pertinentes pour le référencement. La balise H1 influence le classement du site dans les résultats de recherche. Un mot-clé ne doit pas manquer ici. Les balises H2-H3 définissent la structure et la vue d'ensemble de la page.